Education System
It was a residential schooling system
whose origin dates back to around 5000 BC in the Indian subcontinent. It was
more prevalent during the Vedic age where students were taught various subjects
and about how to live a cultured and disciplined life. Gurukul was actually the
home of teacher or Acharya and was the centre of learning where pupils resided
till their education got complete. All were considered equal at the Gurukul
and guru (teacher) as well as shisya (student)
resided in the same house or lived near to each other. This relationship
between guru and shishya was so scared that no fee was taken from the students.
However, the student had to offer a gurudakshina which was a
token of respect paid to the teacher. It was mainly in the form of money or a
special task that the student had to perform for the teacher. In ancient India, education was imparted
through the gurukul system. It was also known as the Guru- Shishya Parampara.
The objectives of this form of education were:

Improvement of character
Generation of friendliness or social mindfulness
Fundamental personality development
Proliferation of virtue
Conservation of learning and culture
when a male brahmana tyke was seven or eight years of age, he was sent to
Gurukul where he concentrated on and lived with the educator. The period of
going to Gurukul was decided by the varna of the youngster The customary
educators were not delegated by an outside power as instructors. They imparted
the education because it was their dharma, the preeminent obligation of their
life and there was no other ulterior intention included. The understudies had
an inclination to a particular occupation, or varna character, which was
characteristic in their genes (or nature). This inclination was not an outside
burden on them, so in this way, it was extremely common for them to take after
this pre-arranged framework.

Advantages of studying
in Gurukula:-.
§ The teachers of “Gurukula” confer knowledge regarding Hindu
religion, Vedas and give them a practical view of life. Their principal
objective is to make them good human and teach them human values. So in
Gurukula human values are very important for the teachers of Gurukula.
§ Their system of education was different from today’s education
system, in Gurukula, they help to improve the character of the student.
- The
mode of communication was “Sanskrit” all the lesson was given in the
Sanskrit language. They make them aware about the culture, traditional and
virtues and promote the tradition of Hindus. The student develops their
skills more efficiently and becomes more disciplined.
- The
instructions given by the “Guru” has been the most vital things, and the
students of Gurukula have to follow the instructions of the teacher or
Gurus. The dress worn by the student was Dhoti & kurta there is no
special dress code for the student. The gurus of Gurukula teach the
student how to deal with any situation in life.
Education System
Education System has evolved with time and has been influenced by the western
system. It has been affected by the changes and advances in technology. The
education system has incorporated technologies like ebooks, video lectures,
distance learning through video chat, demonstrations through 3-D imagery, etc.
There is no doubt that the system has evolved to incorporate the technological
developments. These have helped the students in grasping better knowledge
through visual aids that help in increasing retention. Teaching methods are
continuously upgraded as per advanced research and developments.
only drawback is when the emphasis is on the theoretical part rather than the
practical part. No one can deny that modern education is more effective when it
comes to retention, understanding, and opportunities. The system should be made
available to everyone so that each and everyone can access it as per his or her
The advantages of studying in modern school
§ Modern school is almost different from the “Gurukula” in modern
school the teacher uses a different kind of teaching tools and technology to
understand the concept more easily. With the rapid development in various
technology, the education system is almost changed. With the production of
computer, it is become essential to gain knowledge regarding the computer.
§ The mode of communication for mostly every School becomes
English or Hindi. The tradition of communicating in Hindi is almost gone.
But there are still some schools who still taught there student Sanskrit. With
modern technology the schools are more developed they teach sports and another
type of facilities to their student. For the comfort of the student, the
schools mostly place Air-conditioner or fan to give education with comfort.
- The
children have to wear a well-ironed uniform with belt, badges and I.D card
becomes compulsory. The teachers teach and guide student about every
subject like mathematics, English, Hindi, science, etc. but all the
changes are not bad with time we have to change our, so the school also
being improved. In that time there were only a few, and one guru is enough
for the students. But with the increase in population and development the
schooling part also get extend and changed.
Challenges in modern
education system
Tackling aggressive
incidents on the campuses of educational institutions are appeared to be one of
the main directorial challenges. Actually, there are several problems with our
educational system that includes
murder, clashes, group clashes and indecent behavior with the girl students or
female staff as well as other related incidents. Unfortunately, it is such
criminal incidents to do take place on the educational institution campuses.
However, all the disturbed people are invented to preserve the standards as
well as safeguard the self-respect of an educational institution. So, the
managers, teachers, media, government, voluntary companies as well as many
other national and international companies are required to work towards the
peaceful management of the educational institutions. In simple, the research,
workshops and seminars may not provide the targeted outcomes. So, the base
action is a need of the hour. The increase in competition among the institution
is highly responsible for enhancements in many of the facilities too. Some of
the main problems with modern education system are including:
Safety and security of
Supply of top quality
Payment of bills and
getting fees
Retaining and
improvement of reputation
Maintenance of overall
Maintenance of hostels
quality and first aid or dispensary
Solutions to many
Management of
Materials management
Improving confidence
Maintenance of

need an amalgamation of both
One needs to comprehend the reason for
Gurukul: how it worked, what society resembled in the past and how the
objective of Gurukul training can be accomplished in the present day setting.
It is not just a case of copying the past. There must be an adjustment and a
mix of both cutting edge instruction and convention if the gurukul framework is
to survive and affect today's general public. The objective of the new age
gurukul education should be to prepare students in a manner that they do not
just have the learning of the current training framework, but also beyond that.
Gurukul graduates should not feel substandard compared to their peers.
of Jammu
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