[Vikasarth Vidyarthi] - An Initiative for Protection of Jal, Jangal, Jameen, Janwar and Jan.
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Peace Education- Need of the Time
Monday, 11 May 2020
Moral of Corona Outbreak – Is Technology superior or nature!
There is absolutely no need to explain anything about this deadly virus anymore now. Even the people who don't used to watch news, knows about this pandemic and the damage caused by it. The number of positive cases are increasing and with that the number of deaths too. It’s the high time for us to think about what we have to actually do in order to overcome from this. But before getting the solutions of this epidemic, don’t you think it’s also important to know the reasons behind this COVID-19. We all have never given the care about the nature but now it’s a high time for us to think about the causes of this epidemic. After the occurrence of this epidemic, one thing is sure and that is the realization about the failure of technology at one point. We all used to think that technology is the most superior thing and nothing can defeat it. But we forgot that it’s the man who had made technology and nature has made man. Hence, how can we even imagine of technology to be more superior than the nature?
This outbreak of Corona had given us the detailed information about the
limit of the usage of technology and the vast and endless limit of the nature. Before
this lockdown, we all were so busy in our life, we all were engaged in our
daily lives so much that we actually never paid attention to our surroundings,
our environment, this beautiful nature and so many other things. All we used to
do is the exploitation of the mother earth. We had used her resources without
paying anything back to her and paying her doesn’t have anything to do with
money because in this selfish world, only nature is the place where you can get
enough happiness and peace accompanied
by the resources and even after getting all these valuable things, it doesn’t
need anything more from us, just love and care. But this is so unfortunate that
we fail even to give this back to her. We all would have seen the animals
now roaming on roads and not just domestic animals but wild animals too. We all
would have seen the decrease in the level of pollution. We have also got that
news of the famous rivers like Ganga, Yamuna and others are getting cleaned
now. What one can infer from all of these facts? These facts just show us
that it’s just we and our selfish nature which harms the nature and is
responsible for the extinction of the other living beings. The technology which
we have developed or the technologies which we want to develop only revolves
around the reason of fulfilling our demands. It has nothing to do any betterment
of the nature and as a result, we can see the world leading towards the dark
The recent technologies have got failed in controlling this fearful
deadly coronavirus. Everyone around the world is just realizing that this is
the revenge which nature is taking from us. But why this situation came? Why
this time came when nature which is known for it’s calmness, it’s beauty, it’s loving
nature has become this scary for the whole world? The simplest answer to this
complicated situational question is no one else but just we. We should have
realized now that how much we exploit the nature. When we are inside our house,
then the nature and all other living beings are living their life happily and
peacefully. This shows that only we, human beings are the ultimate reason of
all the disastrous situations which nature has to face. This staying in the
house also give us the same feeling as that of the birds which get this feeling
of being trapped when we put them in cage just for our happiness and for the
showcase. It’s very well said by the great people that we get back the things
what we do to others. In the similar way, we are getting the torture what we
have given to the nature. The topic which we are discussing here and the
question which we are asking here has got it’s answer undoubtedly. We used to
think that technology can control all the ups and downs happening in this
world. We thought nothing can conquer the technological advances and innovation
happening day by day in this world. We are planning to go to Mars and to
establishing the proof of the existence of life there but now when this
epidemic has come, we can feel that our overconfidence over the technology is
not worthy. We have understood that our innovative mind as technology are not
that capable of controlling the nature. These realizations are acting as the
face to face meet up with the reality. The recent technological advancements
like Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, are of no use as per
now. These things may get turned into very useful things but still we should
keep one thing in mind and that is nature can never be conquered by anything and by anyone. And if
we try to control it then we should definitely be ready to face the situations
like this in future too.
We get hurt if the ant bite us, we get the pain when our blood bleeds but
this is very astonishing that we get the pleasure in hurting others and harming
others. We get the taste when we eat those innocent animals after killing them
brutally. This shows how inhumane we are! This shows that we have become so
self centred that we don’t think about others. We just realize that only our
life is valuable and all others have no right to live in this world. We cut
the trees, we hunt the animals, we misuse the water, we exploit the land and
soil. These activities and our selfish actions are the reasons of the
disastrous phenomenon like deforestation, extinction of animals, water
scarcity, land and soil pollution. Our assumption of thinking that
technology is superior than nature is not just wrong but also dangerous as if
we go on thinking like this and if this will be our approach towards the nature
then nothing can protect the world from getting end fierce fully. We can’t see
the tears in the eyes of our mother then how can we tolerate the tears in eyes of
our mother earth. When we can’t torture our mother then how can we exploit and
torture our mother earth. If one sit and think with the open mind then can
definitely understand that we can’t live without the love which nature shower
on us. We can’t live without the resources of our mother earth. We can’t live without
the pure air, water and the fertile land. These things make us feel the
importance of nature in our life. We have got immense things from the nature.
We are surviving here because of the grace of nature but now our greedy nature
is only becoming the enemy in the path of our existing on the earth.
Nature never disturb us, it’s we who disturb nature. It’s we who disturb
other living beings. It’s we who disturb the ecological balance of the nature.
It’s we who disturb the natural balance and when we disturb it , then nothing
can defend us from the fall. We have seen the intense love of
nature but if we will continue exploiting the nature then we should be ready to
face the horrible wrath of the nature too. We should do the invention which
should be beneficial for everyone and not just for us. We should keep the
nature at the top in our priority list while doing the discovery. We should be
conscious that our innovation should be innovative in all the aspects with less
or no harm to the nature. We should realize and understand our responsibilities
towards the nature. We should also feel that we are answerable to the society
,country as well as to the whole world. We have borrowed this nature and
beautiful planet from our ancestors and we should not forget the fact that we have
to even give this nature to our coming future generations. If we give them the
beautiful nature then they can live their life without any problems as well as
they will learn the lesson of giving their best to make this planet more
beautiful. We should not ignore the fact that the children learn the lessons by
seeing their parents. They do what their parents do, in the same way, if we
exploit this beautiful nature then our future generation will learn the same
thing and hence this bad practice will go on passing from one generation to the
So, the final conclusion one can draw from the current situation is to
love and care about the nature.
Aakriti Sharma
CORONA OUTBREAK Moral-Is technology superior or nature?
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Nature Restores! What virtuous consequences has the lockdown led to?
‘Nature Restores’ - Undisturbed daytime nesting!
The October 2018’s Cyclone Titli, and the floods
that followed, left huge piles of waste over about 8 km of the Rushikulya
coast, Odisha which resulted in keeping the nesting Olive Ridleys away in 2019.
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Nature’s splendid maternity ward wonder! As the sun begins
to light up the eastern sky, Olive Ridley mothers heave themselves back into
the sea after arribada. February 2018. Rushikulya. |
But this year in March 2020 - lakhs of Olive Ridley turtles displayed the unusual phenomenon of day-time mass nesting at the Rushikulya rookery coast. Undisturbed mass nesting of Olive Ridleys at Odisha’s Rushikulya rookery was possible due to the restrictions in place for the COVID-19 threat. Is this a sign of Nature ‘restoring’ the earth in this time of COVID-19?
So, is nature 'resetting' the earth in this time of lockdown … is the earth really ‘healing’? Are animals ‘reclaiming the planet’? Has nature ‘triumphed’? The answer is yes and no: it depends on what you are looking at, the angle you are interpreting it from! In this write-up, we will briefly examine through an anecdote ‘What exactly do we mean by Nature restoration?’, ‘What virtuous consequences has the lockdown led to?’ and ‘Sync of the mankind with Nature since ages’. In the end, we will explore how we can sustain this ‘Nature’s Restoration’ by just changing our outlook.
1990s - Trysting with ‘Nature’
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[A painting of ‘Pale-capped Pigeons/Columba punicea’
– Acrylic on Canvas]
Lockdown vs. Nature’s restoration
Nowadays waking up to the ringtones of alarm, was a regular morning habit for my father, until the 21-day countrywide lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic began from March 24, 2020 midnight. He couldn’t quite recall seeing ‘5 Pale-capped Pigeons/Columba punicea’ in our garden, the rare species of pigeons that had been classified as “vulnerable” by IUCN. Infact, except for a few sites in Thailand, this bird has not been sighted for years in any of its known habitats. He watched in awe and it was his first sighting of a flock of preening ‘Pale-capped Pigeons’ and the feeling was truly elating for him!
What could be a more enriching experience of ‘Nature Restoration’ than this!
With human beings cooped up in their homes because of COVID-19 lockdown, in India and elsewhere, the flora and fauna have come out to reclaim spaces from where it had been elbowed out. The world is certainly a quieter place in these days of the lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic. With cars off the streets, seismologists investigating earthquakes in London, Brussels and Los Angeles report that the ambient noise levels are so low they are now better able to detect even smaller seismic events in these cities.
After decades, the River Ganga has started breathing again. It is rejuvenating, marine life is returning and its water in certain stretches has been classified as 'fit for drinking'. Industries that discharge effluents in the river are shut and humans who pollute the river are stuck indoors, due to the lockdown.
The residents of Jalandhar in Punjab, woke up to a scintillating sight of the Dhauladhar mountain range and at the same time the waters of the Venice canals has a surprising sight – not just a clear view of the sandy bed, but shoals of tiny fish, scuttling crabs and multicolored plant-life.
Already, data shows that the main cities of India are recording much lower levels of harmful microscopic particulate matter known as PM 2.5, and of nitrogen dioxide, which is released by vehicles and power plants. The sudden fall in pollutants and the subsequent blue skies signal a dramatic shift for India - which has 21 of the world's 30 most polluted cities, according to the IQAir AirVisual's 2019 World Air Quality Report
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[Source - Internet CNN] |
Mankind has been singing the song of the wild from prehistoric times. This is depicted in the primitive cave paintings of Bhimbetka, where 10,000 years ago, man illustrated every facet of nature that harmoniously co-existed with him. Early man’s destiny was inexorably entwined with nature; from nature, he derived sustenance and shelter and this led to the early understanding that it was the forces of nature that enabled his survival. All ancient and indigenous cultures, therefore, display a rich tradition of ethical protection of nature.
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[Stone Age rock shelters with paintings at Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh are the earliest known traces of human life in India.] |
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[The Pashupati Seal is a steatite seal of the Indus Valley Civilization.] |
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[Representative image of scared groves found in India which is on the decline.] |
India has a rich ecological tradition of “sacred groves” – forests that were marked for temples and deities and thus received protection from any kind of human encroachment or activity. In fact, the tradition of “sacred groves”, which continues until today in parts of the western ghats, has resulted in large pockets of rich biodiversity that are believed to be the last resort of many endemic species, which are otherwise not seen outside these protected areas. Our traditional folklores and festivals eulogize nature in its myriad forms.
Taking cues from the virtuous consequences of the lockdown, it can be asserted, “Though the mankind has lost the chord of interconnectedness in the universe, still we can find this lost chord with our wisdom, intense efforts & sacrifice to restore some balance and to reconnect sensibly with the elements that are the basis of our sustenance. Only then will there be harmony in our existence!”
Changing our ‘outlook’
We can develop technologies to overcome nature and re-shape our environment. There is no doubt progress in science and technology has served humanity well over centuries and they will continue to be called upon to serve society for centuries to come. What we will need, however, is an outlook that seeks to harness our knowledge of science to work in harmony with nature, rather than attempt to bulldoze it.
Man and Nature have been woven inexorably since the beginning of the human race. The attempt, therefore, should be to maintain complete balance with nature and its many aspects so that the tuning between human beings and their nurturer remained harmonious!
Tuesday, 14 April 2020
The trends in farming that Indian youth deny to foresee


Modern Education system vs Gurukul Education System

- The
mode of communication was “Sanskrit” all the lesson was given in the
Sanskrit language. They make them aware about the culture, traditional and
virtues and promote the tradition of Hindus. The student develops their
skills more efficiently and becomes more disciplined.
- The
instructions given by the “Guru” has been the most vital things, and the
students of Gurukula have to follow the instructions of the teacher or
Gurus. The dress worn by the student was Dhoti & kurta there is no
special dress code for the student. The gurus of Gurukula teach the
student how to deal with any situation in life.
- The
children have to wear a well-ironed uniform with belt, badges and I.D card
becomes compulsory. The teachers teach and guide student about every
subject like mathematics, English, Hindi, science, etc. but all the
changes are not bad with time we have to change our, so the school also
being improved. In that time there were only a few, and one guru is enough
for the students. But with the increase in population and development the
schooling part also get extend and changed.