Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Isn’t Time to Redefine the Definition of Development? 'One look for the development instead of looking for the sustainable development'

In today’s world, everyone wants to develop whether it’s financially, physically, mentally or in anyway possible. Life is growing so fast that people are hardly getting time to even think about what are the consequences of the steps which they are taking for the country’s development. There are many sides of one phase and most of the times, we fail in understanding the importance or the significance of one scenario over the other. We as a citizen keep on shouting for the development of the country and at the same time we pressurise the government too for doing the development for us but have we ever asked the question to ourselves about what is the real development stands for or what is the consequence of the development if the steps for it has not been taken in keeping the future generation in mind.
Image source: 
Wittgenstein Centre
The definition of real development means the development which is taken in order to not just facilitate the today’s generation but also to provide the better future to our next generation. This helps to enhance the beauty of sustainable development by promoting it in every way possible. 

The topic of this article is about the question that whether it’s the need to redefine the meaning of sustainable development. So of course, the answer from any responsible individual to this question will be yes, it’s needed. But one has to even think that why it’s needed to redefine the meaning of development, whether the existed meaning is not sufficient or application or valid for this present generation then the answer is yes, it’s not applicable. The old meaning of development what we had is not so beneficial when it comes to actually practising in today’s world. This can be better understood by the example given. In older days, our ancestors never used to think about the effects caused by burning the fuels, by discharging the wastes in the water bodies, etc. Their focus was just concentrated on the development. But now our concern is not just about the development of today’s but even the problems which our future generation may get due to our bad deeds. The development is not all of constructive, it even has the adverse effects on the environment. Due to the exploit of the environment by either using the heritage or by damaging the trees or deforestation and using the animal’s fur or skin and all these sorts of things which contribute in harming the nature. These things should also be taken in concern in order to develop from all the aspects. The concern of the United States is also allocated majorly on this topic of sustainable development. Today is the world of competition and in this competitive world, everyone wants to develop but the development should be sustainable and positive from all the aspects. Development means to open up the new factories, transport, construction and many more. These things which are the key features to define the meaning of development is not sufficient to elaborate the need to even control the side effects caused by these things.

Development is not the short-term agenda instead it’s the long-term agenda which has the long-term effect on everything, whether it’s the nature, the country, the pollution measuring index and many more things. These criteria should also be kept in mind in order to promote the development which not only concentrate on the top layers of the definition of development but also on the deeper layers of the definition of the development. If our focus will be on just the burning of fuels, increasing the number of automobiles, increasing the number of factories then one has to even think about the consequences caused by it as this nature is our mother and it’s our prime responsibility to take care of our mother in the best way possible. The pollution is getting increased day by day and we can see the effect of it on the weather and the health of the citizens of our country. The new born babies are getting so many default diseases right from the birth, these all are happening as a result of the deeds which we are doing towards the country in the name of development. When the people call that they want the development then it means that they want the better life style but if these all are the things which we are doing for becoming develop then it’s sorry to say but it’s really good to still remain as the developing nation ,at least it will not affect the health and heritage of our nation. This thing can be better understood by seeing the things from the other perspective. Just imagine one has to take up the decision then he should take up that in order to keep the pros and cons of that decision in mind. If the pros are more than the cons then he should definitely take the decision but if the cons are more than the pros then he should not take that decision at any cost. This situation is similar to the scenario created in front of us regarding the development. Hence, it’s very much needed to redefine the definition of development. The development which will just cause the adverse effects on everything can’t be the right way to approach the real meaning of the development. So, it’s the high time for us to develop sustainably. There are many resources present in the nature and it can be categorised in many ways but let’s take up two categories of the natural resources which are nothing but the renewable and non-renewable resources. The renewable resources are those which can be replenished over the time and the non-renewable resources are those which can’t be replenished and take a long period of time for its manufacture. Many of the resources are non renewable resources and hence it’s needed to utilize the resources in the proper manner. 

The development is the important key to find out whether the economy of the country is growing well or not, this may contain the facts like whether that country has malls, infrastructures, construction sites, many companies, factories, etc. Well the people think that these things are the constructive phases of the economy and how can one say that these are the reasons of our nature to be in endangered!? But it’s really needed to understand that these things which seems good measures from outside or from the economy point of view also have adverse affects. One can’t say that the benefits of development is just concise to its positive effects and not the negative ones. The development has led the world to grow but one surely doesn’t want to grow in the environment which is polluted or which don’t have the beauty of nature. The finest example in front of our eyes which shows that just the development is not applicable instead one should expand the thinking beyond the scope of the development and make the earth a better place to live in and this example is shown by the capital of our country Delhi. We all know and have seen too that the pollution index of Delhi and Delhi NCR has got so high. People of Delhi are suffering from the air borne diseases like asthma, lung cancer, all sort of respiratory problems and many more. They are even forced to leave that place and to settle somewhere else in the country. Have we ever thought that why this situation has got emerged in our nation? No, we didn’t think about this. Actually, we never have paid attention to these sorts of things. The Delhi which is the metropolitan city, has all the livelihood facilities and services, inspire of all these people there are forced to leave that place. Delhi surely has the term called 'development' in it but it doesn’t have that environment which can make the life possible in its place.

Now the concerning question in front of we all is if we will run behind the development then we have to also ensure that the development is not causing any ill effects on the society and nature otherwise the places which will have so many scope to get the feel of urbanization will not have the single population who will be living in that place. The time is not that far when the whole country will have the disastrous situation like Delhi so we have to think before the thing goes out of our hand. We as a responsible citizen of the country have to think about the measures through which we can control the side effects of development and we have to even ensure that the nation should lead towards the ‘sustainable development.’

Development should not lead the settlement with the nature instead it should promote the betterment of the nature as well as the nation.’

Aakriti Sharma

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